sarah shoreham


Hello, and welcome. I’m Sarah, the founder and director of Karmiyoga, an award winning Yoga, Meditation & Coaching company in Brighton & Hove. At my first Yoga Teacher Training in India I was initiated with the name 'Sivakarmi', and since Karmiyoga sounds like, and is a word-play on, "calm-me" yoga, I liked the feel of it for my business name, because this is the intention and at the heart of all my offerings.

I've got 20 years of experience in the yoga, health & wellness industry, firstly as Journalist/author writing features (and two books!), about yoga, health, travel and wellbeing for women's magazines and national press, and since the formation of Karmiyoga in 2007, as Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Reiki Energy Healer and Conscious Life Coach.

As I continually evolve and transform, I create and offer programs, retreats, classes and content to support you with your life upgrade, and to recharge your vitality and align with your Soul.

Here's my story - I look forward to hearing yours!

My Yoga and spiritual journey began when I was 15 years old.  I learned how to do the postures and breathing techniques from a book and became fascinated by the physical shapes (asanas) and yoga philosophy.

After my studies and travels in SE Asia/Australia my ambition to become a writer became a priority so I focused on training and launching my journalism career.... but one rainy day in November '06, feeling ready to take a leap into a new direction I booked a flight to India and enrolled in an intensive Yoga Teacher Training course (YTTC) in a Kerala Ashram. I was ready to dive back in to my spirituality.

The teacher training experience, and my travels in India were a life changing experience. And I haven't looked back...

In September 2007 my soul-biz, Karmiyoga, was born – the name derived from Sivakarmi, the spiritual name given to me by the Ashram's Head Swami, and also a word-play on “calm-me” yoga, which is the essence of all my business offerings.

Initially I began teaching a few studio yoga classes per week, alongside my writing work. Regardless of the class size, I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the incredible benefits of yoga, and in 2009 I was commissioned to write a Yoga book for Need2Know Books, which was published in 2010. It's called Everyday Yoga, the Essential Guide, and it's available on Amazon, and various online sites.

In 2012 I graduated with an additional 200 hour Yoga Teacher's certification, in Dru Yoga, a very potent and transformative form of Yoga and my soul-biz, Karmiyoga, really began to expand.

Back in 2010, a yoga student had asked if I would host yoga sessions on the seafront, so alongside indoor studio classes I began running Ocean Yoga, my beach-side Yoga and Meditation sessions on Hove Lawns. The sessions attracted the attention of various media, for example I was featured in Waitrose, Zest and Sussex Prestige magazine and in 2018 Ocean Yoga sessions were filmed for Visit Britain’s “Wellness in Sussex” tourism campaign.

In 2016 I decided to add a talking therapy to my business as my clients often needed support after class. I undertook an intensive Life Coaching training with the Coach Training Centre, with certification in 2017 and coaching today is one of my key offerings. I support my clients by merging my spiritual trainings and wisdom with practical and strategic coaching tools and techniques.

Karmiyoga has grown as a business, from me teaching a few yoga studio classes each week to running a successful, soulful enterprise which has positively impacted many peoples' lives, from children as young as 4, to adults in their 80s, in the corporate world, on retreat, outdoors on the seafront, and through my conscious coaching programs.

In August 2023 I was thrilled that Karmiyoga was nominated, and awarded by the Southern Enterprise Awards: "Best Yoga, Meditation & Coaching company" in Brighton & Hove.

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